Android howtos
Here we give you an overview of instructions on how to use NFC with an Android device.
How2: Android
Android - Automation
Android: Trigger tasks with conditions with NFC
Here we explain how conditions can be created for specific tasks.
Android: Automation with NFC
Create automations and tasks and trigger them with an NFC tag.
Android application example: Activate "Car mode"
In this How2 we present a concrete application example based on the knowledge of automation with the Android smartphone.
Android: Share Spotify Playlist
Make Spotify Playlist divisible by an NFC tag with Android
Sharing WLAN with NFC and an Android smartphone
This How2 describes how to make a WLAN network shareable with Android via NFC tag.
Start app with NFC tag
Open an app directly with an NFC tag.
Create a timer with an NFC-Tag
Smart timers made easy: Find out how to automize tasks by creating timers with the NFC Tasks app and a NFC tag. Perfect for everyday life!
Android - Read and write NFC-tags
Android: Read NFC tags
Read NFC tags with Android
Android: Write NFC tags
Writing NFC tags with different data types with Android
Android: Write and edit an NFC Display
NFC-Display mit verschiedenen Datentypen mit Android beschreiben und bearbeiten
Android: Label the NFC Cube
Write your Stickers for the NFC-Cube with Android.
Reading the memory of an NFC-Tag
With the right App the memory contents of a NFC-tag are revealed easily